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Row ID: 1466
Sleep Stress / Insomnia
Row ID: 1467
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Row ID: 1468
Sub Header (Optional): What effect does ‘Sleep Stress’ have and how to manage it?
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The Great British Bedtime report undertaken by the Sleep Council carried out a survey in which it estimated that over a quarter of British adults regularly reported having a poor night’s sleep, with stress and worry being the main obstacles to good sleep health, resulting in fatigue.

With mental health also currently a key national concern, its thought that anxiety and mental health problems tend to become more pronounced in those who are getting less than six hours sleep a night. Indicators suggest that older adults, menopausal women and those who are single are often in the most at-risk categories when it comes to poor sleep health.

Row ID: 1469
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Text Content: Bloc Blinds believes that good sleep health starts by taking positive action. We also believe that it’s the overall quality of sleep achieved that counts. Whilst someone might sleep less, if they sleep more effectively this can help readdress the balance, and bring them a step closer to better sleep health.
Row ID: 1470
Sub Header (Optional): So, what simple, positive actions can be taken to help achieve a quality sleep?
Text Content: Certainly, a good bedtime routine can be a great starting point; research indicates that those who regularly go to bed at the same time every night tend to sleep better.
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Boosting the amount of natural daylight you absorb is also valid, and should help you sleep more soundly, as will winding down without looking at digital devices or screens. These devices emit a blue light that suppresses melatonin levels, which can directly affect circadian rhythms (not something recommended just before bedtime).

In previous blogs we have discussed the importance of darkness for sleep. Bloc Blinds have solved the problem with unwanted light peering through your window with the BlocOut™ Blackout Blind. The BlocOut™ is designed to block out unwanted light and will ensure unrivalled darkness for naturally induced sleep.

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Bloc Blinds’ iQ intelligent blind system seamlessly lets you add motorised window blinds to your collection of SMART home devices.

The system allows homeowners to program their motorised blinds to open and close at set times of the day and night with just the touch of a button; perfect for helping to build a positive sleep routine.

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For those living in rental accommodation, furnishing a bedroom so it feels like a proper ‘sleep sanctuary’ can be difficult. Often drilling or adding fixtures and fittings is forbidden. Bloc felt it should address this issue and as such, developed a special EasyFit range, which means no nails or drills are required when fitting a blind, and they can be easily removed at the end of a tenancy.

A super simple and cost-effective solution for those who don’t own their homes but still want to improve their sleep surroundings or have increased privacy.

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Likewise, for those with stressful jobs, checking emails late at night increases blood pressure and tension, so try to avoid this and reach for a good book or magazine instead.

At Bloc Blinds, we have our own Mental Health Charter, and we believe strongly that taking positive steps such as including meditation and mindfulness within our daily lives can help all of us to manage issues in a more positive way which in turn has a positive effect on things such as sleep.

Row ID: 1475
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Text Content: Lastly, a good exercise regime can also help people to sleep better, with tired bodies sending signals to the brain to encourage rest. Building regular fitness routines into a busy working week can be hard, but the knock-on sleep health benefits make the challenge worthwhile.
Row ID: 1476
Sub Header (Optional):
Text Content: At Bloc Blinds, we’re serious about sleep and we are here to make your life simple. With sleep being one of the most important biological needs we have, sleep sound with Bloc Blinds.