If you read books such as Relax & Win: Champion Performance, you’ll discover a technique historically used by soldiers in the US military. It claims to guarantee sleeping better and faster, even if you are an avid-worrier or restless sleeper, by consciously relaxing each part of your body and quieting your mind.
After just a few short weeks of practice many people believe this technique is useful for those of us struggling drift off to and stay asleep. Here's how:
Start by relaxing the muscles around your face. Begin with your brain, moving onto the muscles around your eyes, cheeks, jaw and tongue.
Next drop your shoulders down as low as you can, relax your upper arm and then lower arm, one by one on each side.
Exhale (breathe out), relaxing the chest muscles and abdomen. Move onto the legs, thighs and then calve muscles.
Wait for 10 seconds of this relaxation state and clear your mind. Imagine a cool breeze through some trees or a relaxing lake or beach. Go to your happy place!
While having a 96% success rate, this method still may not be for everyone. It is scientifically proven that meditation and mindfulness techniques help to improve sleeplessness, but it’s just a matter of finding a simple routine that works for your and sticking with it.