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As the pollen count is highest first thing in the morning and last thing at night it is therefore important that you reduce pollen entering your home. The NHS advises installing roller blinds as an alternative to curtains to combat both dust and pollen allergies. Window blinds act as a screen barrier thereby reducing the level of pollen entering your home by trapping it. Regularly cleaning your windows and blinds with a soft brush to remove pollen will further decrease allergy triggers in your home. For a full range of high quality, award winning roller blinds for your windows try Bloc Blinds UK manufacturers of made to measure roller blinds online.
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Pollen gathers on fabrics, hair and skin, therefore throughout the day your movements will collect a build up that will aggravate your allergies further. Wearing wraparound sunglasses and tying long hair back when you are out and about will help reduce exposure. When you come home in the evening change your clothes and shower after having been outside.
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Anecdotal evidence suggest that you should try local honey to combat hay fever and, whilst this is certainly a pleasant suggestion, there are lots of other dietary supplements such as fresh pineapple and foods containing omega 3 fatty acids that contain anti-inflammatory properties which will help to reduce the effects of allergies.